ONDA Residence
Project name: ONDA Residence, Bay Harbor Miami (USA) Construction: Trellis Construction of steel canopy Overall size 50 meters x 23 meters50,000 kg total weight of galvanized and painted steel 120
Project name: ONDA Residence, Bay Harbor Miami (USA) Construction: Trellis Construction of steel canopy Overall size 50 meters x 23 meters50,000 kg total weight of galvanized and painted steel 120
There were many qualified attendees at the conference “Architecture of transparency: designing with glass” organized in Borgo Lanciano by Novavetro, of the Lucentini family, leader in Italy for the production,
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© 2020 Soglianese Costruzioni Srl Unipersonale Sede Legale: via Castelvecchio 23 | 47039 Savignano sul Rubicone (FC) Sede Operativa: via Fornaci Etrusche 9/11 | 47039 Savignano sul Rubicone (FC) Ufficio Tecnico-Commerciale: Via San Carlo 10/1 | 40023 Castel Guelfo di Bologna (BO) Tel. 39 0542 1885053 | Fax +39 0542 1885053 | Email: info@soglianese.com P.I./C.F. 03592170405 |Capitale Sociale € 170.000,00 i.v. | Azienda certificata SOA